Laurita Cassol

Gerente geral comercial at Nem Ind. e Com. de Confecções ltda - , ,

Laurita Cassol's Contact Details
São Paulo,State of São Paulo,Brazil
Nem Ind. e Com. de Confecções ltda
Frequently Asked Questions about Laurita Cassol
Laurita Cassol currently works for Nem Ind. e Com. de Confecções ltda.
Laurita Cassol's role at Nem Ind. e Com. de Confecções ltda is Gerente geral comercial.
Laurita Cassol's email address is *** To view Laurita Cassol's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Laurita Cassol works in the industry.
Laurita Cassol's colleagues at Nem Ind. e Com. de Confecções ltda are Flavia Feitosa, Cortador Macedo, Eloisa Pera and others.
Laurita Cassol's phone number is
See more information about Laurita Cassol