We Design ExperiencesThe thoughtful, collaborative and lasting creation of architecture has the ability to impact the quality of life for those who use it. Tomecek Studio Architecture is dedicated to crafting unique and responsive spaces that go above and beyond the standard building experience – an Architecture Extended. OUR MISSIONWe operate at the progressive edges of our profession. Uniquely, we stop, look, and listen. Our observations become the basis for our actions. Our actions are encompassed in a collaborative process:client + architect + task + placeUltimately, we craft places that live in memory based on the sculpting of light, surface, material and space. We provide creative solutions to our client's specific circumstances. We employ research-driven processes that yield efficient and unique solutions. We believe in the financial responsibility of the architect, client relationship. Quality is the ultimate measure of value. OUR VALUESDesign Excellence - We believe in the extraordinary power of design to influence the quality of life.Integrity - We stake our reputation and found our relationships on honesty, trust, respect and financial integrity. We desire clients who believe in the same.Innovation - We challenge the status quo in order to access improved processes and technologies. We explore methods both old and new to yield experientially innovative spaces.Collaboration – We iterate in a co-creative process with clients, consultants and contractors.Environmental Stewardship - We lead by example, providing clients with projects that are environmentally sustainable and responsible. We have knowledge and experience in LEED certified projects and subscribe to the 2030 Challenge.Outreach – We evangelize the power of design through teaching, mentorship, community involvement and public speaking.