Lawhak uses AI-enabled technologies to streamline, enhance, or extend the delivery of legal services.. At LAWHAK, we are a new kind of law firm for a changing world. We are consistent, patient and professional, giving each new case the attention it deserves. An integral part of our services is to work closely with our clients so that they can make the right decisions concerning their legal needs.LawHak is a medium-sized, full-service law firm that has experienced winning results and an excellent reputation throughout. A comprehensive range of legal services and solutions for domestic and international clients. International and cross-border work forms an integral part of our business since 2005.We provide a wide range of legal services to a broad array of businesses, government bodies, institutions, professionals, families and individuals.In addition to our highly-regarded litigation and corporate departments, our lawyers have top-tier practices in financial services, bankruptcy and creditors' rights, banking and finance, trusts and estates, and probate, and white collar criminal defence, corporate investigations, business law and capital markets.We value smart, cost-effective legal strategies. We offer a fresh perspective and confident strategic insights and advice on complex matters and issues, consistently delivering outstanding results for our clients.