3D Online Product Configuration Service.Our business was founded in 2019 after accumulating key technologies on 3D Graphics and Artificial Intelligence through services in the oil industry. We apply cutting edge technology solutions for general businesses and public sectors so they can reach more customers and the general public in intuitive and friendly ways.Numerous firms offer their products through e-commerce websites, where the products are often represented by images and descriptive text. The use of 3D graphics animations to demonstrate items and allow buyers to make configuration adjustments such as colours and options with instant 3D visual reactions is a rapidly rising trend. Our 3D Configurator solution is aimed at all types of businesses, whether they sell clothes, vehicles, real estate, or art.We focus on environmental services for public sector solutions, using our 3D Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence skills to tackle air quality concerns and deliver air pollution intervention plans to local populations. In the year 2021, we engaged in a pilot project on air quality and its influence on public health using our WISDOM (Web Immersive Smart Data Organizer and Modeller) software, which was co-organized by the Greater London Assembly.It is acknowledged that our innovative solution based on our WISDOM product can considerably improve Air Quality Officers' work efficiency and communicate the Council's work to local residents in a more intuitive manner.