Founder of VOICE at Fonoempresa a Division of SILIGOM USA LLC - Miami, Florida, United States
WELCOME TO FONOEMPRESA FREEDOM TO COMMUNICATE We offer innovative solutions in communications for our clients, from virtual VoIP PBXs, IVRs, Integration, Contact Center infrastructure, among others. WE DEVELOP INTELLIGENCE FOR TODAY'S INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS Our team of software engineers create original apps and programs for our clients and integrate existing structures to provide flexibility and intelligence to business data. CONTACT CENTER REVOLUTION TOOLS THAT EVOLVE FONOEMPRESA turns your contact with clients more flexible by offering tools such as IVRs, interactive voice messages, automated polls, and contact center services with own staff. INTEGRATION CUSTOM-DESIGNED AUTOMATION Besides VOIP, FONOEMPRESA integrates structures and networks for real estate developments, both residential and commercial, to deliver Home Automation projects.