I am Lanae Rhoads owner of Mix Cosmetiques, creating custom makeup in Duluth, and maker of all things. Anything that contains the word handmade shouts to me, "Can you do this, try me, make me, figure this recipe out!" And of course I have to see if I can do it better. There are a lot of things that I don't make well and I will leave those to my friends. But, soap, skincare, lotions, makeup, or anything to do with caring for your skin naturally is my passion. I started making skincare (soaps and lotions) in 2005 after I had been fighting with my skin for years. A friend gave me some handmade, goat's milk soap from a farmer's market and it changed my life. Within a week my skin was cleared up and within a couple months I thought, "If they can make it so can I". I was off and running and haven't slowed down since. If you can imagine a cosmetic or body care product I probably make it or am in the process of trying to make it.In 2012 I began the journey into natural, mineral makeup. I couldn't find the right eyeshadow color. Ten thousand shades and none were right for me. How is that possible? I tend to be that person who thinks if I can't find the right thing I will just make it myself. When I looked at the ingredients in eyeshadow I realized they were the same pigments I used to color my soap. Well, if I already had the ingredients nothing is stopping me from trying it for myself. So I did! And I made the right color! The formula was terrible. It was sticky and didn't blend, then it crept into my crease halfway through the day, but I had begun. And from there it was simply a question of playing with the formulas. There is nothing more fun than playing makeup with your friends. I don't care if you are 8 or 80 playing with makeup and having your friends around is fun! That is what led me to the party and kit idea. A group can get together to play with makeup, explore colors and give opinions (cause who doesn't want to do that) all in a fun and relaxed setting.