Choosing the right loan officer to handle your home loan (whether refinance or purchase, first time or the 10th time) is so important to reaching a successful conclusion. Lea Lea understands the "pain" of shopping a mortgage – helping you to understand all the options, comparing rates and points for you, so you can be absolutely certain the loan you are receiving is truly the best loan for you.Lea Lea has never been one to shy away from the difficult loans; whether due to non-traditional structure of the sale, a property difficult to value, or a large jumbo loan many lenders might shy away from. She has excelled making these difficult loans work for her clients and she will put that same expertise into play on your loan.If you're looking for a loan officer that puts your needs first, that is willing to get "down in the trenches" and work hard to get you the best deal, and has the industry knowledge and business acumen to get you the "right" deal – than there is no better choice than Lea Lea Brown.