Solrac is a young company with the aim to support developers, EPCs and investment funds on the new era of the subsidy free in solar. Translating technical risks onto financial impacts, Solrac measures the Capex and the Opex on both assets under construction and operating ones. Solrac covers Design, Quality assurance and Operational aspects of the lifecycle of the projects. Some of the engineering services we offer are: • HIGH PERFORMANCE SOLAR FARM DESIGNS AND SIMULATIONS (CAD, CALCULATION AND SIMULATION SERVICES). o Accurate EYA with 3D PVsysto Components revisiono High precision simulationso Designs and CAD, from high level drafts to Ready to build. • PRIVATE WIRE CALCULATIONS (PPA EVALUATIONS) o Energy balance and flow. o Optimization of the solar installationo CAPEX evaluation of the private wire• QUALITY ASSURANCE PLANS (PANEL TESTING AND ON SITE REVIEWS) o Flash test on siteo Electroluminescence and UV evaluations. o Thermal inspections• PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS (SITE ANALYTICS, REMEDIATION WORKS AND OWNER ENGINEERS) o Performance revisiono Availability revisiono Remediation works quantificationo OPEX evaluation. At Solrac we pride ourselves on providing engineering excellence. Our service is based around the quality of our team. Your commission is important to us and we are looking forward to working with you. Please feel free to ask for more information and references.