DeLeT is the Day School Leadership through Teaching program at HUC-JIR in LA. We offer a 13 month program for a multi-subject CA teaching credential and a certification in Day School Education. The program is free of charge and offers a monthly stipend. Our Mission: DeLeT, a program of the Rhea Hirsch School of Education is dedicated to fostering teaching excellence in Jewish day schools in North America. DeLeT is supported by a dedicated group of foundations and philanthropists with major support from the Jim Joseph Foundation. DeLeT carries out its mission in two locations, HUC-JIR/Los Angeles on the West Coast and Brandeis University on the East Coast. The program consists of coordinated recruitment strategies, a 13-month fellowship program combining academic coursework with mentored experience in Jewish day schools, guidance from a Clinical Educator throughout the internship experience, mentor teacher institutes, annual day-long seminars for heads of school, and a program of induction support for DeLeT alumni in their first two years of teaching.