Leah Johnson

Deputy Director, Workforce Development at Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs - Los Angeles, California, US

Leah Johnson's Colleagues at Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs
Leah Johnson's Contact Details
(213) 439-1070
San Marino, CA, US
Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs
Leah Johnson's Company Details

Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs

Los Angeles, California, US • 2 Employees

The Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs (The L.A. Coalition) is an independent, bipartisan membership organization, established in 2009, to bring together top leaders from the region’s business, labor, academic and nonprofit communities to develop and advance sound policy initiatives that will help to responsibly grow the economy and create quality jobs throughout the Los Angeles region.

Details about Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs
Frequently Asked Questions about Leah Johnson
Leah Johnson currently works for Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs.
Leah Johnson's role at Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs is Deputy Director, Workforce Development.
Leah Johnson's email address is ***@thelacoalition.com. To view Leah Johnson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Leah Johnson works in the industry.
Leah Johnson's colleagues at Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs are and others.
Leah Johnson's phone number is (213) 439-1070
See more information about Leah Johnson