We are a veteran owned/operated business focused on improving the preparedness of organizations for disasters. While we work on projects nationwide, our specific focus is on Hawaii, where we're always looking for great talented emergency management professionals who are living in any county in Hawaii. Here's a quick overview of the kind of projects we work on:Our staff have designed, developed, conducted and evaluated hundreds of training courses and exercises working with emergency responders throughout the world in dozens of U.S. cities, Washington D.C, Guam, American Samoa, and CNMI, as well as at numerous military installations. Recent projects included conducting planning workshops for a Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack (CCTA) in three counties in Hawaii, six Department Operations Center (DOC) training workshops, an Emergency Support Function (ESF-12) Operations Guide for the Hawaii State Energy Office, and a functional exercise (FE) and full-scale exercise (FSE) for the Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) testing medical preparedness. Our staff have supported national level planning efforts, leading efforts for pandemic planning for DHS and DOT, and planning for catastrophic incidents. We developed and facilitated a workshop for representatives from departments on the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) on developing Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) and developed an EOP template that the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency distributed to all state agencies for their use. We also developed on-line emergency management training course for SERT members, and have developed training for State Emergency Support Functions (SESF) 8, 10 and 12. We led the revision of the HDOH Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Plan and associated Field Operations Guides with engagement from stakeholders throughout Hawaii. We also led the final revision of the State of Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Plan/Region IX Annex. For more information contact us at info@readyzonehq.com