~Half A Million Kids was created to place every child in foster care that's eligible for adoption into a loving home and therefore eliminate the circumstance of being raised in foster care as a way of life.~The badly broken foster care system, costing approximately $4.4 billion annually in Federal funds with zero accountability or incentive for matching results to dollars, can be transformed into a successful new paradigm that benefits foster children, social workers and agencies as well as contributes to society at large.~There are an estimated 500,000 children currently in the US foster care system and nearly 120,000 eligible for adoption. By launching an unprecedented multimedia awareness and recruitment campaign we aim to find more than enough families to adopt every single eligible child. We will start with our Pilot Program in the Philadelphia area, Campaign 1600, which will serve as a national model expanding from community to community.~Our larger mission… Raise awareness... Recruit families and individuals who are wiling and able to adopt... Alter the dynamic of the role of the social worker, moving from a reactive to a more proactive one... Alleviate the group home setting - transforming it into a more positive, aspirational environment for foster children awaiting reunification with their birth/legal families… We start with 1600 and ultimately reach all 500,000.~We believe that half a million kids matter. Together we can change the statistics and the landscape. Let's get them home for good!