LATAM FOREST TRADING, LLC is an upcoming Bioenergy Producer and Exporting company – headquartered in the USA, with operations in Brazil, and sales network in multiple European and Asian countries. It is also part of a larger group of private American companies, primarily focused on oil & gas exploration, production, and equipment supply.After years in the making, LATAM FOREST is currently implementing a state-of-the-art Wood Pellets Plant, powered by its own biomass-fueled Cogeneration Plant ("CHP") – a USD $25 million investment ("phase 1"). The "Rio Grande" plant is a multi-phased greenfield project; located in southern Brazil, backed by American equity investors, Brazilian debt financing, and future European & Asian export sales.WOOD PELLETS = solid biofuel ("biomass")CHP = Combined Heat & PowerThe first of its kind in the country, Latam Forest's Wood Pellets & CHP Plant is a truly remarkable multinational effort – bringing together the latest and greatest in equipment quality & reliability, automation, safety, and low-emissions – including equipment and services from within Brazil, Europe, and USA. All provided by uniquely qualified suppliers, via turnkey-based supply, and coordinated by EPC-M format.