Recovering individuals will be referred to Clean Suits 4 Clean Starts in collaboration with other non-for-profit organizations. Based on recommendations and through contact interviews with the client, a style of clothing will be chosen that is most appropriate for the client's goals. Each client will be encouraged, with guidance if necessary, to select clothing from local storerooms. If suitable clothing is not in stock, due perhaps to an unusual size request, efforts will be made to obtain appropriate clothing. Encouragement and support will be provided for clients needing to secure an education before entering the business world. Assistance will be given in locating local institutions that provide free or low cost adult education programs. Clients will also be given an opportunity to hone their interviewing skills. A small voluntary donation will be requested from each client. If the client is invested in the process, even to a small degree, it is likely to encourage the effort necessary for success. Clothing will be provided even if the client is unable to make the donation. The right is reserved to politely refuse assistance if the client is not going to follow through with the program recommendations. The efforts to provide assistance are sincere and the hope is for the same level of commitment from the clients.Clean Suits 4 Clean Starts is intended to help those individuals making big decisions about big changes in their lives. They are looking for a second chance. The hope is for clients to use the tools provided to achieve success in pursuit of that second chance and that in turn they will reach back and pull another person forward in the same manner.