Leenan Developments creates real estate investment opportunities for its investors. Using transparency and alignment at its foundation, Leenan Developments uses an Investor Paid First strategy to create win-win situations for investors and management. Leenan Developments invests in single family up down duplexes as well as larger development project. Leenan has over $20 million dollars in assets under management and its founders have raised over $15 million dollars for its own investments as well as private equity firms in Alberta and Saskatchewan.Leenan Developments is part of Leenan Group of Companies, offering services in construction, property management and development. You will see the words alignment and transparency throughout all the companies the Leenan Group of Companies manage. At its core, Leenan believes in empowering and developing its team, and creating real estate projects that are of value to management and its investors. When Leenan's investors get paid, then can Management. This simple philosophy speaks to transparency and alignment and as a result are at the roots of Leenan Development and the Leenan Group of Companies.