Lee Gannon

Managing Director at Medical Device Technologies (MDT) - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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Medical Device Technologies (MDT)
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Medical Device Technologies (MDT)

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia • 1 Employees
Hospital & Health Care

Medical Device technologies is an innovative company providing professional and consultancy services to a range of industries, with our core focus on the Healthcare sector.With a combined 50 years of experience across Marketing, Sales, Medical Recruitment, Facilities and Project Management the MDT Group have built a reputation for delivering innovation and outcomes.The Directors of the MDT Group have held senior executive roles in healthcare technology companies, major health service providers and facilities and project management companies, companies which allows the MDT Group to facilitate opportunities across industries and disciplines.Our philosophy is to provide quality services in an open and transparent manner to our customers and to treat our commercial partners with respect and integrity. The group is an enabler for new technologies and processes, and through its vast commercial network of industry contacts can amass the right people, products and project plans to achieve our customers objectives.The group uses a combination of new and innovative thinking with established and proven methods to develop metrics for the planning, monitoring and measurement of outcomes, and by developing and collating the required data can build cost benefits and business case models.Whether it be Medical Professional recruitment, the introduction and establishment of innovative technology and processes or the project planning for major health services, our advice and actions are built on sound, well researched and objective data sets.Our Key focus areas are:1. Medical Device Distribution and Sales2. Medical Waste3. Consulting

Details about Medical Device Technologies (MDT)
Frequently Asked Questions about Lee Gannon
Lee Gannon currently works for Medical Device Technologies (MDT).
Lee Gannon's role at Medical Device Technologies (MDT) is Managing Director.
Lee Gannon's email address is ***@medicaldevicetechnologies.com.au. To view Lee Gannon's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lee Gannon works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Lee Gannon's colleagues at Medical Device Technologies (MDT) are and others.
Lee Gannon's phone number is
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