Lee Ivanlee

Group Financial Controller at Berger International Ltd. - Singapore, , Singapore

Lee Ivanlee's Colleagues at Berger International Ltd.
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Berger International Ltd.
Lee Ivanlee's Company Details

Berger International Ltd.

Singapore, , Singapore • 8 Employees
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

To quote a cliche, Rome wasn't built in a day. Similarly, Berger grew over two hundred and forty years. Transiting smoothly through different eras. it is moving effortlessly from the period of industrial revolution to the period of silicon microchips.It all began in 1760, when a young German chemist, Lewis Berger, perfected a new process for making the colour Prussian Blue. Considering that it was the colour of most military uniforms then, the pigment assumed great importance, and the business, a great thrust.It didn't take long for the company to move from the production of dyes and pigments to the production of paints and coatings. With a strong reputation for innovation and entrepreneurship, Lewis Berger and Sons Ltd. grew rapidly.Jamaica, Bahrain, Singapore, China... As its wings grew and gained in strength, Berger expanded its operations across oceans, and beyond boundaries, to cover numerous geographies. In 1994, Berger units were brought under the single umbrella of the holding company 'Berger International Limited' (BIL) with headquarters in Singapore, which was also listed on the Singapore stock exchange. The reputation and the distinction which Berger commands have been augmented over the decades by its association with some of the most reputed names in the global paints and coatings industry.

Details about Berger International Ltd.
Frequently Asked Questions about Lee Ivanlee
Lee Ivanlee currently works for Berger International Ltd..
Lee Ivanlee's role at Berger International Ltd. is Group Financial Controller.
Lee Ivanlee's email address is ***@bergerpaints.com.sg. To view Lee Ivanlee's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lee Ivanlee works in the Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering industry.
Lee Ivanlee's colleagues at Berger International Ltd. are and others.
Lee Ivanlee's phone number is
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