Society for Underwater Technology – Subsea Engineering Society (SUT–SES) is a growing body of engineers, technologists, and geotechnicians dedicated to promoting innovation and excellence within the subsea industry. Subsea Engineering is an inherently complex, unique, multidisciplinary specialty within the oil and gas industry. Therefore, the society is designed to serve technical professionals in all aspects of the Subsea Engineering field.University of Houston - Subsea Engineering:University of Houston has provided the nation's first graduate program in Subsea Engineering. The program is producing the first generation of formally trained subsea engineers in the United States of America. The training encompasses an enhanced graduate curriculum including lectures on basic engineering sciences and the best practice used in subsea engineering.We are based in the University of Houston, and are the student chapter of the Society for Underwater Technology. Membership is recommended for participation in events and involvement in society activities. If you have any questions about corporate sponsorship, membership, or society activities get in touch with us. SES - http://www.sutses.orgSUT -