Senior Delivery Manager (Midlands & S. West) at the Football Foundation at Football Foundation - London, ENG, UK
The Football Foundation is the charity of the Premier League, The FA and Government, through Sport England. We deliver outstanding grassroots football facilities, meaning more games, better games and more people playing - helping transform communities where demand is greatest and impact will be strongest. Founded in 2000, we are now the largest sports charity in UK. So far, we have used the investment from our Partners to award more than 17,600 grants to improve facilities worth more than £710m – including 942 artificial grass pitches, 6,426 natural grass pitches and 1,200 changing facilities. This has attracted an additional £940m of partnership funding – totalling over £1.6bn investment in grassroots football. And there’s much more to come. Through the Foundation, the Premier League, The FA and Government through Sport England have come together to create the National Football Facilities Strategy (NFFS) that will guide work over the next 10 years to transform many more local facilities. Local Football Facility Plans (LFFP) are being created to identify priority projects where demand is greatest, and the impact will be strongest and help stimulate the action required to deliver them.