Vernal Winnelson, formerly known as N.O. Nelson, is a wholesale plumbing and HVAC supply house located in Naples and established in 1974. Rick Hautamaki moved his family to Vernal in 1997 to take over as President of Vernal Winnelson and still leads the company today. Winnelson is part of the Winsupply Family of Companies which is the leading supplier of materials for residential and commercial construction as well as industrial. Since 1956, Winsupply has provided enterprising entrepreneurs the opportunity to own and operate their own businesses. As members of the Winsupply group, local company Presidents have national buying power along with the ability to make decisions locally to provide products for their industries. Winsupply currently has over 600 locations nationwide and continues to grow by opening new stores and acquiring established locations. Winsupply has made it their mission to provide support and resources to aspiring entrepreneurs. The aim is to strengthen communities and empower hard-working people who dream of owning their own businesses. Through the spirit of opportunity, Winsupply encourages innovation and thinking outside the box.We carry toilets, sinks, tubs, faucets, well and irrigation pumps, septic systems, and water heaters for unavoidable emergencies. If you need a furnace filter we have you covered with the largest selection in the basin! Do you need to replace a sprinkler head or want a new sprinkling system or drip system? We can answer questions and help you with that too. We have lots of toys for big kids including a great selection of Milwaukee power tools, hand tools, flashlights, and other fun gadgets. If we don't have what you're looking for we will search high and low to find it for you. At Vernal Winnelson we have national buying power to achieve any dream you might have no matter how big or small.