The simplest way to sell gift cards online with no monthly fees. We're busy making Gift Up! the #1 gift card platform, follow us to get product updates.We also wanted to let you know what we're doing to help businesses affected by the Coronavirus emergency. As of right now you can sign up to Gift Up! and we'll waive our fee completely for the first $5000 USD* of gift cards you issue or sell, until the end of June 2020. If we need to extend this, we will. When you sell a gift card you'll get paid 100% of that revenue immediately, not on redemption - relieving cash flow issues now. Also, if you're running an event, or have bookings you cannot fulfil because of the shutdown, you can use Gift Up! to issue a gift card instead of a cash refund. We won't charge you a cent for any of it. And there's no obligation to use us beyond that, we really just want to help.