Surmang Foundation is a US 501(c)3 non-profit corporation from the State of Colorado, and is registered in China as the Yushu Nomadic Health Promotion Association.Everything we do is for the benefit of the ethnic Tibetans of Surmang and other parts of China. We have no other purpose. We don't have any business, political or religious agendas. Our efforts depend on the resources that inspired people like yourself can bring to the Tibetans in Tibet.Surmang Foundation has a private, stand-alone clinic in Yushu Prefecture, Qinghai Province China. It is a 97.5% ethnic Khampa Tibetan region, rich culturally and environmentally, but one of the poorest regions in China with a per capita GDP of about ¥1/day or US16¢/day.Surmang Foundation has operated this clinic since 1992. In 2000 the Foundation hired two local Tibetans as resident physicians. The core values were and are free medical care and free medicine.In 2005 the Foundation conducted a public health survey that confirmed that maternal mortality and infant mortality rates are among the highest in the world with mmm at 3000/100,000 live births and infant mortality of 1 in 5.In 2006 the Foundation opened a Community Health Worker project, training 40 village and nomadic women as barefoot doctors/birth attendants. They became the hands and eyes of our clinic. By 2011 the CHWs had reduced maternal mortality in the clinic catchment area to an astounding zero.In 2009, the Peking University Institute of Population Studies conducted a study that showed that:- the number of patient visits were over 10x greater than average Prefecture township hospitals;- the per-patient visit costs were 1/7 those of the township hospitals;- the patient satisfaction at the Surmang Clinic was much higher;- the number of meds given out were significantly lower.