Content Producer at HUB Institute (conferences, networking, training, insights) - Paris, Île-de-France, France
Founded in 2012, the HUB Institute is the leading Think Tank dedicated to Business Transformations. Our team of 30 experts and analysts is assisting more than 120 leading organisations (L'Oréal, LVMH, Orange, La Poste, Total,...) to anticipate and master the latest trends, innovations and best practices. Based in Paris, we operate on an international level.The HUB Institute gathers a B2B community of 50.000 decision makers around the 4 key transformations of the Next Economy : Digital Transformation : data & AI, retail 2.0, digital marketing, e-commerce,...HR & Management : future of work, agility, soft skills, remote management,...Sustainability : from smart city to smart factory, from inclusion to positive impactDigital Health & Wellness : AI & health, telemedicine, wearable health & IOTManaged by Vincent Ducrey, Emmanuel Vivier and Perle Bagot, the HUB Institute accelerates the business transformations of leading organisations around 5 expertises : Conferences : 50+ online and offline inspiring events (FORUMs, Talks, Webinars,...)Insights : 15+ Trend Reports, 600 articles & videos, innovation newslettersNetworking : A platform for one to one networking during and in between events to connect decision makers and innovative solutions.Training : 10.000 executives trained online or offline around 40 topics (AI, Data, CRM, HR, digital transformation, sustainability, social media marketing …)Learning Expeditions : from Shanghai to Silicon Valley, discover the most innovative startups, technologies and organizations with our team of experts offline and onlineDiscover how to become a member or learn more about our insights and services :