Your Time Matters offers much more than networking events. We offer mentoring, events and a powerful community where you can tap into opportunities and resources for growth.MENTORINGOur team live in Melbourne, Australia. Having grown up in small business families, they understand that running a small business can be tough and effects every aspect of your life.They have experienced the challenges you face, and how important the right support, knowledge and strategies are for your business to grow. Technical knowledge is not enough.They understand that business owners often feel they are facing overwhelming odds and often lack the support and knowledge they need.Kerryn and Leigh acknowledge that merely understanding, doesn't make it easy, but it does make a difference when you can access events, workshops, strategy sessions and a supportive community designed with you in mind!EVENTSOur structured, yet relaxed, events for men and women:o Utilise YTM unique and interactive tools and gameso Tailored conversations "match" you with most appropriate peopleo Opportunities to collaborate and connecto Insightful presenters share their expertiseBenefit from facilitated conversations and introductions to generate business and create opportunities as you access quality connections, inspiring speakers and strategies to positively impact your business.Do you find networking a chore? It's true many business networking groups can make you feel uncomfortable. You know you are going to be "sold to" or "talked at". As soon as you enter the "room", you have to force your way into a conversation. Not at YTM Business Connect! Our interactive formats provide opportunities to reflect and review your approach to business. To learn more visit our website and checkout the Membership offer to our community: Or call to have your questions answered +61 414 856 616