We specialize in cost effective, high definition seismic reflection techniques, utilizing the latest equipment, custom designed 2D and 3D survey methods along with Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) Technology and Full Wave Sonic (FWS) borehole logging.Through combined innovative technology and the know-how from industry experienced personnel we can, for the first time, produce reliable and quality seismic images of hard rock environments that will fast track discovery and improve life of mine planning.For 2D & 3D seismic and borehole logging services, HiSeis offers:Survey DesignAcquisitionProcessing and InterpretationWe target:Gold, Copper, Nickel, Uranium, Lead and Zinc, Hydrogeology, Geotechnical studies/overburden definition, Geological structures.We offer a significant Seismic Acquisition Capacity (+2000 channels) with a variety of sources including vibroseis trucks, explosives and accelerated weight drops.For further information on our complete solution to your exploration needs please contact us.