DBQuest, Inc. is a company committed to bringing cutting-edge yet cost-efficient solutions to technology requirements of small to medium enterprises (SMEs). It offers technical competence in Oracle and related software technologies, including multi-platforms and hardware. The company is an Oracle Certified Partner and an Oracle Authorized Education Provider. DBQuest is also a partner of DataOn Corporation and one of two Sunfish resellers in the Philippines. Business Strategy Merging Technologies is basically the company's approach to the market today, both in the short and long term. DBQuest is not just a services company, nor just a technology company, but a strategic provider of cutting edge technologies that is able to merge these into a complete solution to fit customer requirements and market demands. The company's strategic relationships with Oracle Corporation enable it to be in the position to provide best of breed products, expertise and best practice to the customer and the marketplace in general. Core Competencies DBQuest's Senior Management Team combined have over 20 years experience of helping Oracle clients' DBAs, over 25 years experience in using Oracle Technology and have accumulated a total of 10 Oracle Database Certifications. While working at Oracle Philippines, they received the Performance Award for Tier III, Education & Support Services for FY 2003 and FY 2004. Email: inquiry@databasequest.com