Het Filiaal theatermakers is a professional theatre company for families and elementary schoolchildren based in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Our work encompasses theater productions for large and small venues, theatrical concerts and site specific theater. With a lot of care and precision we develop art projects around all shows. These projects are designed to give children an intensive introduction to every facet of theatre and inviting them to explore their creative potential.The artistic team consists of artistic director Monique Corvers, composer Gábor Tarján and object theater maker Ramses Graus. In their work they bring together professional actors, musicians and visual artists. The dynamism, precision and sense of humor with which text, music, acting and visuals are integrated, has come to be the trademark of the company.Our productions are performed in cities all over the Netherlands and all over the world. From Sydney to Shanghai, from New York to Moscow. Shows such as The Great Illusionist, Miss Ophelia, Falling Dreams, House and The secret of Q have toured internationally to the unanimous praise of both audiences and the press.