從 2003 年,由新北市電腦同業公會創建了「資訊種子培訓計畫」,計畫的核心價值是「分享、回饋、傳承」,提供不限科系大三到碩二的各大專院校學生,系統性的培訓課程與實務專案經驗累積,讓對未來職涯迷惘卻積極探索的年輕人,從中摸索自己的天賦才能。透過系統性的培訓課程與實務專案經驗累積,期許結業學員獲得 跨領域產業知識、正確職場態度、提高思考深度與廣度,並累積產業人脈存摺,成為全方位人才,並從中摸索自己的天賦才能。目前培訓計畫即將邁入第十七屆,計畫核心價值為「分享、回饋、傳承」,資訊種子廣納各大專院校不同科系背景之學員,累積培養500多位校友投身各產業服務及創業,同時回歸資訊種子進行傳承,締造累積與循環。ITSeed is a full-year training program composed of 35 young talent students come from different universities and colleges in Taiwan.In 2003, in order to improve the talent gap in IT Industry, New Taipei City Computer Association (NTCA) decided to found an integrated platform for students who wanted to engage in IT industry. Thus, ITseed Training Program has been founded. It aims to minimize the gap between academy and practice through providing students with systematic training courses and various kinds of practical opportunities.It's been 16 years and has accumulated over 500 alumnus ever since its founding in 2003. Each year, ITseed recruits 35 rising junior and rising senior undergraduates from different universities and departments in Taiwan, who are selected through a serious application process.