Located in Durango, Colorado and drawing on international experience and knowledge, Mesa West Directional specializes in the delivery of horizontal and directional drilling services and solutions along with Measurement While Drilling (MWD) services. Mesa West Directional is the leading directional specialists in the Four Corners Area, offering a personalized service to address all your directional and horizontal drilling needs. Mesa West understands that regardless of which tools are used, they are only as good as the people who operate them. We have attracted some of the best minds in the industry, some with excess of 30 years experience. Mesa West Directional also recognizes the need for a strong recruitment program, one that attracts individuals with engineering, electrical and mechanical backgrounds. Along with and extensive in class program, all personnel train in the field under the direction of a Senior Directional Driller or Senior MWD Engineer. Mesa West Directional adheres to "Good Oil Field Practices" and local legislation is mandatory.