Leon Popik

President at LeMar Industries Corp - Des Moines, IA, US

Leon Popik's Contact Details
LeMar Industries Corp
Leon Popik's Company Details
LeMar Industries Corp logo, LeMar Industries Corp contact details

LeMar Industries Corp

Des Moines, IA, US • 100 - 249 Employees
Construction Machinery

LeMar's renowned quality and partnership keep customers coming. Known for listening and giving customers exactly what suits their needs, we don't stop there—ours is a lifetime partnership that starts before the order and continues into installation, implementation and beyond.With precision in-house engineering and detailing using the latest CAD technology, we deliver reliability and quality to customers' exacting standards. Our experienced design team works closely with customers to find the solution that works for them. We will custom design to site-specific conditions (wind, seismic, and snow) for any location, and customize our standard products to fit customers' needs.The company is both American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and American Welding Society (AWS) certified.The LeMar product line also includes cutting-edge design and metal fabrication from Hall Industries, innovative material handling from Riley Equipment and a quality aftermarket bearing and power transmission selection from Midwest Bearing.Acquired by CTB, Inc. in December of 2012, LeMar now offers full system solutions. Adding LeMar's leading grain handling systems to Brock's line of grain storage, handling, conditioning and drying solutions means customers and dealers can get a complete grain preservation package in one stop.

Catwalks & Towers Specialty Fabrication Flat Storage Pile Conveyors Bulk Weighers Grain Pickup Maverik HTF- Single Pass Accessory & Parts Open Belt Conveyors Catwalks & Towers Accessory & Parts Construction Machinery Machine Tool Accessories Machinery
Details about LeMar Industries Corp
Frequently Asked Questions about Leon Popik
Leon Popik currently works for LeMar Industries.
Leon Popik's role at LeMar Industries is President.
Leon Popik's email address is ***@lemarindustries.com. To view Leon Popik's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Leon Popik works in the Machinery industry.
Leon Popik's colleagues at LeMar Industries Corp are Larry Mercer, Mohan Xing, Anthony McFadden, Pam Rusinack, James Michael, Joe Dent, Nick Greif and others.
Leon Popik's phone number is 515-266-7264
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