Leon Resendez

Geophysical Data Technician at NuTech - Houston, Texas, US

Leon Resendez's Contact Details
(903) 592-8115
Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos
Leon Resendez's Company Details
NuTech logo, NuTech contact details


Houston, Texas, US • 87 Employees

NuTech is an upstream reservoir solutions company specializing in creating strategies to value, manage, and act on assets in all phases of the reservoir life cycle. Our strategies are referred to as Reservoir Intelligence and are the result of 24 years of experience and the development of unique integrated processes and proprietary technologies. Our technologies include expertise in petrophysics, completion engineering, core analysis, geological modeling, and reservoir engineering. To date, NuTech has developed Reservoir Intelligence solutions for clients in every known conventional and unconventional basin. Reservoir Intelligence provides 4 solutions to assist clients: Reservoir Potential Evaluation – evaluating reservoir potential from available data. Opportunity Validation – planning proof of concept operations to demonstrate value. Reservoir Optimization – implementing a reservoir development strategy. Full Reserve Extraction – evaluating opportunities to reverse declining production.

Upstream Reservoir Engineering Reservoir Evaluation
Details about NuTech
Frequently Asked Questions about Leon Resendez
Leon Resendez currently works for NuTech.
Leon Resendez's role at NuTech is Geophysical Data Technician.
Leon Resendez's email address is ***@nutechenergy.com. To view Leon Resendez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Leon Resendez works in the Energy industry.
Leon Resendez's colleagues at NuTech are Harry Hernandez, Bobby Gibson, Natalie Garcia, Tony Gregg, Manuel Espinosa, Bobby Benfield, Jim Fogal and others.
Leon Resendez's phone number is (903) 592-8115
See more information about Leon Resendez