Seafood Training Services are an NZQA accredited training organisation that has developed a training system and resources that allow us to be flexible and mobile. We pride our services on adding value to our students and clients businesses whether training or consulting, and use 29 years of service to the seafood industry and personal experiences to achieve these goals.Seafood Training Services like to bring real life situations to our training by integrating pictures, personal experiences and situations into our resources and power points that are distinctive. We have tailor made a number of training resources that cater to a variety of businesses and interests outside of the seafood industry, and previously spent 8 years offering vessel training, however our focus in more recent years has been on seafood processing. As a training provider with 15 years of developing systems and resources, we have found it is important for staff and students to buy into their learning, companies that are poorly equipped to emulate training run the risk of devaluing their efforts and will have less invested staff when training is essential.