Heber is a world leader in designing and manufacturing quality, cost-effective electronic control systems for the consumer, commercial and industrial markets, bringing ideas to life through innovative technical solutions. Since 1984, Heber has been supporting product manufacturers and innovative entrepreneurs with electronic design concept development, prototyping and manufacturing management for a wide range of markets.Heber has a complete electronics product development service which takes products from the earliest of concepts right through to volume manufacture. Over the years we have designed many products, from market defining gaming controllers and gaming peripherals, security devices, engine controllers, through to boiler and shower controllers. We use this diversity to cross-pollinate ideas from market to market. Recently Heber have been involved in creating the control system for Pippa, a smart device that that monitors stove heat and detects a risk of fire. We also helped develop LeakBot, a water leak detector that spots hidden leaks in the home and sends instant alerts to your phone. Our current major project is the MiSTer Multisystem FPGA based gaming platform, which is a design collaboration between Heber and The Retro Group Ltd. With over 3 million Heber control systems in the world, we have established a winning reputation of designing innovative electronics to deliver a competitive advantage for our clients.We can help at any or all of the stages depending on your needs. We pride ourselves on creating working partnerships with our clients. We enjoy the challenges of solving problems and identifying customer requirements. We like to work in a true partnership with our clients evidenced by two of our largest clients having been with us since the formation of the company. Nearly half of our new business comes from customer recommendations and referrals.https://mypippa.me/https://leakbot.io/leakbot/http://heber.co.uk/product/multisystem/