Leslie Blair

Assistant Donor Care Supervisor at Freedom Plasma - Southlake, Texas, United States

Leslie Blair's Contact Details
(936) 585-8819
Memphis,Tennessee,United States
Freedom Plasma
Leslie Blair's Company Details
Freedom Plasma logo, Freedom Plasma contact details

Freedom Plasma

Southlake, Texas, United States • 28 Employees

At Freedom Plasma, we are on a mission to make it possible for thousands of patients around the globe to live happier, healthier lives as they struggle with serious autoimmune disorders and rare diseases. Plasma donations are essential to the creation of plasma-derived therapies used to treat these disorders.We believe that our incredible donors are heroes and we're always looking for new donor heroes to join us on this mission to save lives. Plasma donors are rewarded for the time they take to donate their life-impacting plasma.Each of our Freedom Plasma donation centers is dedicated to safe collection and procurement of blood plasma adhering to the highest standards of quality. Freedom Plasma is owned and operated by ImmunoTek Bio Centers, a leading-edge company within the plasma collection industry. We strive to provide unsurpassed care and service to enhance the lives of our employees, donors, and patients through the safe collection of quality plasma.

Details about Freedom Plasma
Frequently Asked Questions about Leslie Blair
Leslie Blair currently works for Freedom Plasma.
Leslie Blair's role at Freedom Plasma is Assistant Donor Care Supervisor.
Leslie Blair's email address is ***@freedomplasma.com. To view Leslie Blair's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Leslie Blair works in the Research industry.
Leslie Blair's colleagues at Freedom Plasma are Caleb Pittman, Leslie Blair-McGuire, Sierra Barksdale, Mia Minkowski, Natalia Santos, Will Pence, Jesse-Tate Pickerell and others.
Leslie Blair's phone number is (936) 585-8819
See more information about Leslie Blair