Member of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Emotional Support Committee, 2019 Gala Chair
The mission of the Me Fine Foundation is to provide hope through emotional support and financial assistance to families whose children are receiving care at North Carolina partner hospitals. The Me Fine Foundation was founded by Lori Lee in memory of her son, Folden, who inspired the organization's name. As he was undergoing treatment for leukemia, Folden would tell his medical team when asked how he was feeling: "me fine!" Folden's legacy lives on more than 14 years later and has grown. In 2013, Me Fine acquired Striving For More, a nonprofit created to ensure families navigating pediatric illness had access to emotional and pyscosocial resources to process their experiences, tell their stories, and connect with others.Since 2014, Me Fine has provided financial assistance to more than 1,900 families and touched thousands more through the various hospital-based support programs.