Green School is a global education network, committed to educating for sustainability in natural environments, through a purpose-driven curriculum. We believe schools should be places of joyful learning, where we fully ignite the imagination of children so they can engage and learn with optimism, inventiveness and wonder. We champion a new model of education with our unique learning program, which educates for sustainability through community-integrated, entrepreneurial learning. Our holistic, student-guided approach inspires and empowers students to be green leaders. We have a passionate community of learners and believe that we can change the world together as communities. At Green School, students, teachers, parents, staff and our local village neighbours learn, work and play together to inspire and encourage each other to live purposeful lives.Green School opened in Bali in September 2008 with 90 students and a tailor-made, wall-less bamboo campus that emerged from the jungle and rice fields. Today, Green School Bali has grown to over 500 students and is an inspiring example of green education. Green School has locations opening soon in New Zealand and South Africa, with more to follow.