"Epilepsy Scotland works with people affected by epilepsy to ensure their voice is heard"We represent the 55,000 people living with epilepsy in Scotland, their families and carers. We believe that people with epilepsy have a right to determine their own way of life; be free from discrimination and stigma; be valued and included in society and have access to high quality medical, social and information services.Epilepsy Scotland offers a variety of vital support and information services including: The Lighthouse Youth and Respite Projects; sensitive training on epilepsy issues to parents and individuals; accredited training courses to GP's, carers and health professionals; a Wellbeing Project to help manage stress and seizure control; a confidential Freephone helpline and information service; a wide range of information leaflets and fact sheets; an accessible, interactive website and high profile policy and campaigning work. Services like our Freephone helpline and information service, our fact sheets, guidelines and leaflets and our interactive website are free and invaluable resources for anyone affected by epilepsy. All the information we prepare is also directly accessed by GPs via a special database which they use to display the contents of our leaflets onto their computer screens. Epilepsy is still a stigmatised and misunderstood condition and not an easy cause to raise money for. With almost no statutory funding, we rely on the goodwill and generosity of the public to help us fund our vital services for the 55,000 people living with epilepsy in Scotland.