Leticia Tait

Administrative Assistant at Fenton Chsd 100 School District - Bensenville, IL, US

Leticia Tait's Contact Details
Fenton Chsd 100 School District
Leticia Tait's Company Details
Fenton Chsd 100 School District logo, Fenton Chsd 100 School District contact details

Fenton Chsd 100 School District

Bensenville, IL, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Since 1955, District 100 has offered a comprehensive educational program to students in grades 9 - 12. District enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year is 1477. Fenton Community High School has been recognized as one of the "Top High Schools in America" by the Washington Post and a Advanced Placement Honor Roll recipient by College BoardDistrict 100 welcomes comments that are relevant to the topic being discussed in our Facebook posts. District 100 reserves the right to remove posts that are not related to the topic or are inappropriate. Please email communications@fenton100.org if you have any questions.

Education Schools Colleges and Universities Higher Education
Details about Fenton Chsd 100 School District
Frequently Asked Questions about Leticia Tait
Leticia Tait currently works for Fenton Community High School District 100.
Leticia Tait's role at Fenton Community High School District 100 is Administrative Assistant.
Leticia Tait's email address is ***@fenton100.org. To view Leticia Tait's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Leticia Tait works in the Higher Education industry.
Leticia Tait's colleagues at Fenton Chsd 100 School District are Maureen Porto, Mark Carmen, John Quintanilla, Melissa Rausch, Cameron Kopp, Mike Mitchell, Ruth Dilauro and others.
Leticia Tait's phone number is ["16307662500"]
See more information about Leticia Tait