Focusing on Austin ISD's Title I schools in under-resourced communities and serving predominantly economically disadvantaged students, APIE delivers innovative, volunteer-driven academic and supportive mentoring programs. APIE's 1,500 volunteers work with students at pivotal junctures in their education, adding to the quality and capacity of AISD's campus programs and providing a vital extension of academic and social/emotional support to students. Through the flagship Classroom Coaching program, students benefit from same-level, small group (3:1 or below) instruction from a dedicated team of volunteers drawn from more than 200 Austin area government agencies, businesses and community organizations. Annually, APIE serves thousands of Austin ISD students through the following programs: * 2nd Grade Reading Classroom Coaching and Compañeros en Lectura * 8th Grade Math Classroom Coaching * College Readiness (11th and 12th grade) and Case Management * Mentoring (all grades) For more information or to sign up for any of these programs, please go to