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KAHO Sint-Lieven is a university college in Flanders with about 5000 students and more than 600 staff members. We offer bachelor and master study programmes in Gent, Aalst and Sint-Niklaas. The postgraduate course centre offers several short and longer postgraduate courses.\\Our study programmes concentrate on 5 fields of study\ * biotechnology\ * health care\ * business studies\ * science and technology\ * teacher training\\The seat and central services of KAHO Sint-Lieven are located in Gent, Technologycampus, Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1 - 9000 Gent.\\The managing director is prof.dr. Frank Baert, chairman of the Board of Directors is mr. Luc Santens. KAHO Sint-Lieven is a member of the Association K.U.Leuven.\\Research is a stronghold at KAHO Sint-Lieven, with 2 non-profit associations on-site (CBoK ) and 1 spin-off company ( Indurium Engineering Services ).\(Source: http://www.kahosl.be/site/index.php?p=/en/page/19/voorstelling-kaho-sintlieven/)