MiNeco House focuses on construction of low cost/Affordable housing, thishas been achieved through a myriad of innovative technologies all gearedtowards constantly making housing affordable. MiNeco House products: Other innovative affordable and ecofriendly productincludes: 1.Hollow Interlocking Concrete Blocks (HICB) 2. PrecastConcretewaffle slabPrecast structural members. 3.Domestic Bio digester. Our focus is primarily on continuous research and investment on any ideas,technologies and products that are geared towards achieving our objective(Affordable housing) and shelter of all mankind with comfort. With our rich experience gathered through our time of existence we havecrafted a product that brings in the affordability concept and still allows theliberty for the clientsto decide on their preferred finish."The Shell""The shell"is the simplest form of aconstructedstructure that is nearest tocompletion whereby, it has a simple roof cover, plastered wall surfaces,window frames, door frames brandering, electrical conduiting, plumbing pipes,cement sand screed and a steel front and rear doors. The shell purposely omitsthe finishes hence giving the client the liberty to determine their preferredfinishes in relation to their financial capacity. Beforewe embark on any project a clear survey is done to establish, 1.The best foundation design to adopt, 2.The affordable local materials that can be used, 3.The best construction systems and method to use.