Board Advisor at ESADE International Student Committee (CIEE) - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
CIEE, International Committee of ESADE students. We are a partnership with a strong international vocation, our mission is to promote relations and international contacts.Mainly, trying to promote cultural exchanges and facilitating integration into ESADE and the Barcelona, Catalan and Spanish culture. The activities organized by the International Committee of ESADE students (subsequently managing them detailed):- Manage International weeks abroad:The International Week Coordinating Organization is a worldwide network of student unions and student organizations that promotes cultural, economic, social and business exchange between students from all over the world.- Barcelona International Week: The International Week Barcelona is the largest event organized by the committee. Our guests are students of universities that are benefiting from the International Week Coordinating Organization (IWCO). The number of guests depend on the chances of about 20 participants budget and encrypted. It is necessary to organize this event to have option of sending students to the IWS ESADE university qualifying for the IWCO. During the week various activities are organized to raise awareness of the culture of our country and the students involved in organizing the International Week Barcelona 24/7- BuddySystem: The mentors are ESADE students who volunteer to be the contact person and reference of one or two foreign exchange students during their first moments Barcelona- Activities intended for ESADE students:Organizing 50 activities every year in order to integrate the exchange students into the Spanish life. Furthermore, CIEE facilitates trips and excursions to different Spanish places. Therefore the exchange students are able to meet people from ESADE and from their own exchange program.