OrvietoStudi ( Fondazione per il Centro Studi Città di Orvieto ) is a center for higher education and research, located in the delightful medieval city of Orvieto. The palazzo in which it is housed, a former hospital dating to the 13th century, overlooks Piazza del Duomo with a marvelous view of the Cathedral, one of the most famous examples of late medieval Italian architecture.The Centro Studi "Città di Orvieto" promotes, organizes and hosts university courses, with particular attention to post-graduate courses and workshops held in modern and fully equipped classrooms. National and international meetings are also regurarly hosted.For years now important semestral and annual "Study Abroad" programs organized by various foreign universities have been held in Orvieto in collaboration with the Centro Studi. They include: Fordham University (New York City), University of Arizona (Tucson, Arizona), Clemson University (Clemson, South Carolina), Colorado College (Colorado Springs, Colorado), Kansas State University (Kansas), Rowan University (Glassboro, New Jersey);UNIVERSITY OF ROME "LA SAPIENZA":Architecture and Town Planning - Valorization and management of historical centers(post-grad);Health psychology(post-grad); LUISS "GUIDO CARLI" UNIVERSITY, ROME SPECIALIZATION COURSE Intellectual property rights and concourse in Information Technologies SUMMER SCHOOL IN POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND HUMAN RIGHTS (In collaboration with Tufts University and Boston College) SACRO CUORE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY, MILAN SUMMER SCHOOL IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE;SCHOOL OF ETRUSCOLOGY AND ACHAEOLOGY OF ANCIENT ITALY;workcamp "ROMAN PORT OF PAGLIANO"; SCHOOL FOR ITALIAN BOOKSELLERS (A.L.I. - Associazione Librai Italiani, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari"; NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE AND UNIVERSITY OF ROME "TOR VERGATA": Applied Epidemiology in Public Health(post-grad).