Lily Gillespie

Instructional Assistant at Westside School - Seattle, WA, US

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Westside School
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Westside School

Seattle, WA, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Westside School is West Seattle's premier choice for independent elementary and middle school education. With classes in preschool through 8th grade, our school is a community of educators who care about the development of your child. Working in partnership with families, we help each student fulfill his or her potential as independent, life-long learners, developing discipline and responsibility while preserving natural curiosity, imagination and joy. Our classes, with low student-teacher ratios, nurture individual talents and develop individual thinking. Teachers teach our rich and rigorous curriculum in a variety of ways to reach many different learning styles, and respectful and responsible behavior, compassion for others and cooperative problem solving are also emphasized. Students meet high academic standards and graduate prepared for middle school. They learn to meet challenges with open minds and enthusiasm and develop social skills and empathy that respect individual differences and community values.

Education College/University Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education K-12 Education
Details about Westside School
Frequently Asked Questions about Lily Gillespie
Lily Gillespie currently works for Westside School.
Lily Gillespie's role at Westside School is Instructional Assistant.
Lily Gillespie's email address is *** To view Lily Gillespie's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lily Gillespie works in the Primary/Secondary Education industry.
Lily Gillespie's colleagues at Westside School are Nicole Pettis, Debbie Eaves, Steven Whiting, Ryan Rainbolt, Jasper Wensnahan, Jennifer Pivar, SUE LAMB and others.
Lily Gillespie's phone number is 206-932-2511
See more information about Lily Gillespie