Sales Manager at Guangzhou Gionar leather Production Co.,ltd - Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Guangzhou gaofeiya leather co.,ltd was founded in 2010, the company covers an area of 6 thousand square meters, adjacent to 105 National Road, convenient transportation. Is a professional engaged in, ladies bags, backpacks, single shoulder bag, leisure bags, wallets, cosmetic bag and other leather products quality, over the years to rely on high quality, high credibility, high affordable price to win the trust of our customers! Factory to strict the quality of each product, cherish every opportunity to serve for the business philosophy, strict quality control, from every aspect of a small sample preparation, mold, material until Handmade process, try to strive for excellence, seriously do every thing, is a set of leather processing production design and development, production and sales as one of the manufacturers. At the same time, the factory put great effort in product design changes, insight into consumer demand, development and follow the international fashion trend, continues to introduce new types and styles of leather goods, quality improvement, and strive to create a boutique marketing of brand. "The pursuit of maximum customer satisfaction" for the purpose of service, followed by the era of fashion trends, make all kinds of leather products always walk in the forefront of the market, so leisurely fashion. We always believe that there is a return to pay.Our factory warmly welcome customers from all over the country come to business negotiation, to explore and establish trade exchanges, we wholeheartedly for customer service, to provide better and more excellent products and services for consumers.