Secretary General/Finance Responsible Person at Hefeng Art Foundation - , Beijing Shi, China
北京荷风艺术基金会(简称"荷风")成立于2013年5月7日,是经北京市民政局登记注册、具有独立法人资格的慈善组织,由热爱艺术、热衷公益的人士发起,是中国首家以艺术教育、普及与推广为使命的基金会。我们认为艺术推动人类审美、道德,乃至科技与生产力的发展,滋润着人类文明不断进步。艺术同时蕴涵着战胜贫困的强大力量,它赋予身处贫困中的儿童以骄傲、自信与尊严。艺术还是促进各国人民交流的世界语言,是通向世界和平的重要桥梁。因此荷风致力于中小学的艺术教育,突破口和重点定位于乡村地区的少年儿童。用艺术浸润心灵、充实自信、鼓励创造,用艺术的力量引导他们的未来,以他们的成长带动乡村社区的文明建设。荷风在2016年度被中国社会组织评估等级为4A级。Beijing Hefeng Art Foundation (Refers as "Hefeng"), registered with the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau on May 7th, 2013, is an independent non-profit philanthropic organization founded by a group of art lovers. It is the first non-government foundation in China with a mission of art education, art popularization and art promotion. In our opinion, art promotes the development of aesthetics and morality, as well as the advances of science, technology, and productivity, and continuously nourishes the progression of human civilization. In addition, art contains enormous power over poverty. It empowers poverty-stricken children with pride, self-confidence and dignity. Art, as an international language, promotes communication between people from different countries, and serves as an important bridge to world peace. Therefore, Hefeng is committed to provide free art education to children from rural areas affected by poverty and economic underdevelopment. We devote ourselves to art cultivation, and we aim to enhance children's minds, give them confidence, and encourage creativity. This will improve the future perspectives and prospects for children and their future success. In return, we will promote the development of rural communities. In 2016, Hefeng is graded as a "4A" Chinese social organization.