My background in communication spans over 25 years, and a broad range of settings. I have run a number of organisations, departments and businesses, including Tacpac (communication resources for people with sensory and neurological impairment, winner of Times Educational Supplement Special Needs Award 2007).Clients of my training and coaching include universities (training academics in presentation skills, and assembling funding proposals raising millions of pounds), corporate organisations, and therapist training institutions; business leaders, coaches, trainers, psychotherapists, and media presenters (BBC radio).I have published books, chapters and papers on learning methods and research methodology, and journal articles on voice, communication and body-mind psychology.As a keynote presenter and facilitator, I have worked with organisations such as the British Voice Association, Oxford Pyschotherapy Society, Association for the Teaching of Religious Education in Scotland, International Association of Voice Movement Therapists, and Guild of Pastoral Psychology.