The Dictionary of Sydney is an on-line, multi-media compendium of stories covering the whole of the Sydney Metropolitan area.The Dictionary develops and presents the identity of greater ‘Sydney' in an innovative and exciting format that tells its history through original writing and new interpretations as well as through the imaginative use of audio, images, documents and maps. The Dictionary creates a rich digital repository of historical information on Sydney that is becoming a forum for publicly accessible discussion and education concerning the historical dimensions of Sydney. It is a genuine objective of the project to contribute to the cultural life of greater Sydney through its work.The repository has been designed not only as a lively and active website but one that will take up mobile, web service and print-on-demand functions to broaden access to the history of greater Sydney, its many characters, places, events, artefacts, natural features, organisations, buildings and structures.Through its innovative and engaging website, the Dictionary of Sydney tells a multitude of stories behind Greater Sydney's distinct history and culture across the decades. The Dictionary provides an on-line unifying framework for Sydney's diverse cultures and histories with over 500 entries, nearly 650,000 words and over 1300 historical and contemporary images, maps and film taking you on a never ending journey, back and forth across Greater Sydney.