Linda Gillis

part time at UNCG Online - Greensboro, NC, US

Linda Gillis's Contact Details
Greensboro,North Carolina,United States
UNCG Online
Linda Gillis's Company Details
UNCG Online logo, UNCG Online contact details

UNCG Online

Greensboro, NC, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Fully accredited online undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificates from a nationally recognized university.We're a global university - part of the 17-campus UNC system - that's been granting doctoral degrees since 1891. Today we offer a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees, and post-baccalaureate and post-master's certificates across multiple disciplines. Our accreditation is impeccable - a factor that employers take seriously.Our online degrees extend UNCG's reputation to distance learning. Classes use teaching strategies that include video, audio, graphics, interactive activities, case studies and feedback. We've pioneered the technology and refined the experience to make online learning as engaging as it is convenient.

Online Degree Completion Online Master's Degrees Online Graduate Certificates Online Doctoral Degrees Online Bachelor's Degrees Online Master's Degrees Online Bachelor's Degrees Online Master's Degrees Online Bachelor's Degrees
Details about UNCG Online
Frequently Asked Questions about Linda Gillis
Linda Gillis currently works for UNCG Online.
Linda Gillis's role at UNCG Online is part time.
Linda Gillis's email address is ***@. To view Linda Gillis's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Linda Gillis works in the Higher Education industry.
Linda Gillis's colleagues at UNCG Online are Lois Llvoncan, Myrtle Hairston, Pithaney Honore, Lavonne Brown, Anita Newton, Donna Davenport, Kim Wiltshire and others.
Linda Gillis's phone number is 336-334-5000
See more information about Linda Gillis