That's FETCH! lifestyle center redefines the concept of the normal pet store or grooming salon by reconsidering its purpose and honoring the pet's perspective. Our brick-and-mortar storefront is a place where you and your pet can escape from your busy life and spend quality, stress-free time together exploring our quality products and services. It is all about quality, rather than quantity, as your pet is treated like family. The That's FETCH! Grooming Spaw takes pet grooming to the next level. We offer a variety of grooming and spaw options to serve a variety of needs for stylish and pampered dogs, and dog friendly cats. Similar to a human spa experience, each pet will receive the undivided attention from their Spaw Specialist during their appointment. Rooms are relaxing and calm, and attention is paid to the individual experience for your Furbaby, so pet parents need not worry as their Furbaby's Spaw appointment is designed specifically to maximize the amount of personalized pampering time and minimize stress and separation anxiety. The mission of That's FETCH! is to PAWsitively impact the quality of life of companion animals and provide unique bonding experiences for people and their pets.